Mentoring can help all students, but it’s especially beneficial for

students who learn and think differently.

and classroom behavior management skills to students with learning differences. 

Learn Smart provides mentoring

We match high school students who identify as having learning differences with similarly-identified middle school students. 

Students with learning differences need to develop coping skills for the academic, social and emotional challenges they face. Research shows that peer-mentoring helps youth with LD/ADHD manage their socio-emotional health and increase self-esteem. When high school mentors share their experience, strength and hope with their middle schoolers, both groups benefit big time! 

+ IT’S FUN! 

“I designed the Learn Smart curriculum based upon my own experience managing learning differences to provide younger students knowledge I wish I had earlier”."

- Ava

Are you interested in joining our team of volunteer-mentors? 

Register Here

2 Lessons.
1 art project.
1 learning activity
and a healthy snack each week!

2 Lessons.

1 art project.

1 Learning Activity

And a Healthy Snack

Each Week!

Fall 2021 Locations

Session 1

Learning Tools & Listening Skills

1. Help students take responsibility for their learning environment. 
2. Show students the in’s and out’s of active listening in-real-time.

Session 2

Magic Powers & Acceptance Practices

1. Help students use their imaginations to feel less confined by their challenges.
2. Provide students with coping skills for letting go of what they cannot control. 

Week 3

Special Accommodations & Extra Helpers

1. Help students see accommodations as cool ways to help you perform like the star you are. 
2. Help students see that planning for the week ahead or mapping out your week can help maximize study time and minimize anxiety.

Session 4

Reading Tricks & Writing Tips

1. Demonstrate to students with reading disabilities that reading with eyes and ears is better than reading with one or the other.  
2. Have students experience the benefits of “talking it out” before writing it down.

Session 3

Special Accommodations & Extra Helpers

1. Help students see accommodations as cool ways to help you perform like the star you are. 
2. Help students see that planning for the week ahead or mapping out your week can help maximize study time and minimize anxiety.

Session 5

Self-Esteem Hacks & Relaxation Techniques

1. Teach students that the way we talk to ourselves about our differences matters. Positive self-talk can help increase confidence and self-esteem.  
2. Teach students to calm their bodies, so they can access their minds. 

Contact us!

We’ll partner with your non-profit to deliver these quality lessons to those you serve.